This holidays I got a new puppy called Louie for my birthday. He is a golden Labrador and is 9 weeks. He is very cute and energetic. Here are some photos.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Beep test number 2
Today I did the beep test and I bet my old score which was 5.1. My new score is now stage 11!!! I think I went very well considering a had
i stuffed leg. I felt very determined to get a way better score and guess what I did. I can't wait to do another beep test later on in life.
i stuffed leg. I felt very determined to get a way better score and guess what I did. I can't wait to do another beep test later on in life.
Monday, 13 October 2014
My awesome holiday!!!
This holiday I had my birthday I turned big double digits. (10) I woke up really early and woke up mum. I raced down to lounge and I saw some present. I opened them and I got a dance bag and some new shoes. Also I got a green towel. I knew that I was getting a Labrador puppy but what I didn't know was that I was going to the netball in Palmerston North and Auckland to see my new baby cousin. I be came so excited that I Just couldn't wait. I'm so excited for when I get to go!
My goal for this term is to become a young leader at prize giving. To become young leader I think I have to show I lot of leadership and show a lot of pride to become young leader.
My goal for this term is to become a young leader at prize giving. To become young leader I think I have to show I lot of leadership and show a lot of pride to become young leader.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
This morning I went in Mr fords car to help set up the yachts so room 7 didn’t have to wait to go on to the water. I hoped in the yacht with suzanna and we were fine. I controlled the tiller. We headed back to shore and hoped out. Then Dylan needed a partner so I jumped in with him we were a bit wobbly and the boat tipped one side. Water started to pour in and we capsized. I pulled the yacht over by myself. I liked today, can’t wait for tomorrow.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Yachting and kayaking
Today we went for the first day of yachting. I liked kayaking better because I wasn't very good at yachting and I was more experienced at kayaking. I felt quite nervous when it came to yachting because I had no idea what it would be like having the yacht on the water and how hard it would be. It was very hard. I had a turn on the tiller and suzanna my partner was controlling the main sheet. We had some trouble getting to the island but we got there. I really enjoyed yachting for the first time but I need some practice.
This is Suzanna and I in the yacht.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
The first night of production
Yesterday we performed for the first time. Jared was Maui and he did very well but he forgot some of his lines. I think the crowd really liked ours because they clapped very loudly at the end. My dance that I made up with Tiaana and William went very well. The strobe light was on while we were doing it. It gave it a cool effect. I was very excited about performing but when I got on the stage I started to get really nervous and I had sweaty hands. Before we went on stage I went to room 5 to get my moko on and have my glitter on. After that I went to room 10 with my friend and I put my dress on. We got white alice bands to put around our heads. The dancers got white gloves that glow in the dark when Mr Ford puts a special light on us. We also wore different feathers to put in our bun. I felt like a princess when I put on the long white gloves. The only thing was was that the gloves keep slipping down. I got my makeup done by Mrs Hardaker. She put mascara on me and a bit of eyeliner. She did this to Tiaana and Kiana too. I really enjoyed the first night but……………. I was really tired too.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
Will I complete it?
Whew, my wheels are sore. I get to rest now. Ohh, but my owner is racing me down a really hard track in a moment. I should just run away. Wait I can’t because I’m a bike and I need someone to ride me so I can actually get away. I’m getting a headache from even thinking about it. Oh and did I mention that my owner is a professional bike rider? But one of my reliefs is that he soooo... won’t be flipping me at all. Thats my sarcastic side, do you like it? Ha...ha…Oh... okay. I better harden up other wise if he loses he might blame everything on me and believe me it is not a good sight.
I close my handles and wait for Brook my owner. I’m waiting, ok I’m getting bored. All of a sudden my arms start to turn. Were off. I can hear the crowd cheering for me. “Brook Brook” yelled the fans. “Oh,” I sighed there cheering for Brook. I’m the one thats doing most of the work here any way. I can see sharp corners, sharp corners and guess what, more sharp corners. As I come round one of the sharp corners I can see lots of trees that I could crash into and poles that I could smash into. Oh here is going to be something that will turn into a nightmare.
The jump was up next. I hold my breath to prevent screaming. Wait I don’t have a breath, what am I thinking? ok I probably just need to settle down. I should just look down at the ground. OMG I’m going up. It must be the jump ahh I close my eyes. I shouldn’t be doing this I yell wait I should because I’m a bike Ahh I need to focus now because I could die right now. I,ve landed yay but have i survived is the question? Yes I have I hear cheering and many other thing I am a surviving bike.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
The Beep test!!!!!!!
Today we did a beep test wich is when we run 20 metres and we have to beat the beep. The beep would go for about 20 secounds and we would have run 20 metres. The time becomes smaller and smaller every 20 metres.
I thought I did very well at the beep test my score was 5.1. But I still want to improve. It was hard.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Ihaia west coming to visit us!!!!
Ihaia west came to school today and brought a blues rugby jersey in to sell for the raffle. We asked him question like how he got into the blues and magpies. We showed him me and paias dance that we made up. Ihaia west went to school with Mr cottrell.
This is me and paia doing the dance!!!!!!!!!
This is me and paia doing the dance!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 7 August 2014
My video of negative numbers
IMG 0925 from Tipene Cottrell on Vimeo.
This is Kiana's and my negative numbers videoVideo of Dance club
Experience In Dance Club from Tipene Cottrell on Vimeo.
On Fridays Paia, Tiaana and I have a dance club wich is when kids from school come and get tought our dance that we made. We give out stikers to people that are doing very well. This is a video of us!!!!!!!!!!Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Sucsess critrea for Summarising
WALT: Summarise
- Short sharp sentences
- In our own words
- use a topic sentence
- using keywords
- Use the main points
Today we watched a video after watching shakayla perform a cup song that she created by herself here is my summary
An awesome girl called Sarah started muddling up the cup song that she made up to the song Royals. Then all off a sudden busted out a awesome cup song.
Royals Summary
An awesome girl called Sarah started muddling up the cup song that she made up to the song Royals. Then all off a sudden busted out a awesome cup song.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Pride scrabble
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
My sun rap
Sun rap from Tipene Cottrell on Vimeo.
My Anti-bully song
Kiana and G from Tipene Cottrell on Vimeo.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Doing a netball chest past
W.A.L.T : do a chest pass
Make a W with your hands
- Step forward with one of our foot when passing
- Push the ball from your chest
- Put your eyes on your target
Monday, 14 April 2014
Rock climbing
"Wow," I yell as I glaze up at the tall rock climbing walls. I gave it a go and didn't make it to the top until I got to dad. I was so proud of myself. The next wall, the next wall and the next wall I made it, but when I came to Mrs Roil's wall it was hard, but I kept trying until we had to go. I had fun and wanted to do it for my birthday. What a great day!

Master chef
On Wednesday my group 'Survivor Turtles' cooked a wonderful breakfast and lunch. The desert was a let down but any way I still enjoyed it, that's the main part of it isn't it?
Breakfast time. We worked hard running very short on time but we finished because of teamwork and won the breakfast challenge. The lunch looked very close one group had spaghetti and meatballs, another had mini burgers which are called sliders and the rest made burgers. Our burgers were delicious! I think our onion flavour chips just topped it off. Oh no! Dessert! Do I really want to tell you about the desert? It was horrible! That's how we lost the lead. At least we tried though and it did taste nice but it was about presentation. I still enjoyed the cooking challenge. What a great day!

Breakfast time. We worked hard running very short on time but we finished because of teamwork and won the breakfast challenge. The lunch looked very close one group had spaghetti and meatballs, another had mini burgers which are called sliders and the rest made burgers. Our burgers were delicious! I think our onion flavour chips just topped it off. Oh no! Dessert! Do I really want to tell you about the desert? It was horrible! That's how we lost the lead. At least we tried though and it did taste nice but it was about presentation. I still enjoyed the cooking challenge. What a great day!
Thursday, 3 April 2014
How to get the perfect story?
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
I was strolling to the hall and my hands were all clammy I tried to calm myself down, it didn’t work. I arrived through the door and BAM I was as nervous as a dancer on a stage in front of a 10,000 people.There were parents and kids already there. I said to myself, be brave Georgia, be brave.
I stood on the stage and listened to the poems. I clapped and started to feel just a tiny bit more confident. It was time to do the dance move your body. I had energy to burst out that was desperate.
I was getting more confident with every single move. After a while I was enjoying it so much I was giving it my best shot.
It was my dance now with some other friends of mine it was to the song wild wild west. We had some funky cowboy hats on and some bandannas and very cool vests. I stood there in front of the crowd with my mates waiting for the music. The music started a I jumped around dancing my heart out and also counting the counts 5,6,7,8. I was puffing hard out “ha ha” but it still felt like I had lots and lots of energy left. The music went on for ages well at least I thought it did. I ran back to my place and started swaying side to side listening to poppy’s beautiful singing.
It was room 7 time to sing know. I could smell the sweat that room 7 had dripping down their body. I was brave and started singing the best I can even though I was probably flat. After three courses we got to dance how ever we want. Me Blair, Paia and Tiaana all did back to back together it looked really cool. We did some duggie together and some clicks. The song stopped all of a sudden I thought to myself DJ Kory must have stopped the music “oh well”.
I thought to myself I want to do it again. It was fun!!
Monday, 24 March 2014
Today I learnt how to throw correctly I had to point to a target put my feet sideways, a slight knee bend, looking at a target, 45 angle of release and don’t hold the ball too long. I worked really hard on keeping my feet straight to my target.
When my partner throw the ball I had to think about putting my eyes on the ball having cup hands to catch. I did very well catching because I moved to the ball so i’m not just standing there inspecting the ball to land in my hands. Here is a picture of my throwing.
Saturday, 22 March 2014
My pepeha
Ko Lehi toku papa.
Ko Kristina toku mama.
Ko Taupiri toku maunga.
Ko Waikato toku awa.
Ko Tainui toku waka.
Ko te Tahitanga toku marae.
Ko Waikato toku iwi.
Ko Ngati Tiipa toku hapu.
Ko Kristina toku mama.
Ko Taupiri toku maunga.
Ko Waikato toku awa.
Ko Tainui toku waka.
Ko te Tahitanga toku marae.
Ko Waikato toku iwi.
Ko Ngati Tiipa toku hapu.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Being brave

Maths strategy for 9x table.
Did you know there's a cool strategy for working out 9x table. I want to work out 9x8. I have to have my 8th finger down have a look how many fingers I have down on the left side and the right side. I have 7 fingers on the left and 2 fingers on the right side. 72 is my answer.
Monday, 17 March 2014
House comp
The other day, I wandered down to Mr Moriarty's class room with a couple of other kids. We were going to be sorted into groups for the top house that was happening. There were 4 groups that had 4 leaders, their names were Jacob, Braydan, Kory and Liam. I got put into group 2 with some other friends of mine.
Ring, ring, ring rang the bell, I rushed to the courts and started singing my chant - go kea go kea! Miss Hill spoke to us about how we have to do the activities and away we skipped to the first activity. For this activity, we had to throw the ball to our team mate, and our team mate would throw it in the very last hoop. We kept playing until the whistle blew. Honnnnnnk, blew the whistle, it was time to move to the next activity.
The next activity was fun, you had to throw down the lily pads [tee-ball bases] and get all of our teammates past a cone, it was quite challenging because the grass was poisonous, so if you touched the grass you had to go to the back of the line. Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle again, so we rushed off to the next activity.
The next activity was called pass the batton, we had to stand like bowling pins, but shoulder to shoulder with everyone. The person at the back would pass the batton to the front and you would run to the front and so on and so on. Once you get past the cone, you can run back to the start and do it again. Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle, time to move to the final activity.
The final activity was the 3 legged race with a little twist. You had to put a black rubber thing around your foot and your buddy had to put it around their foot. Off we went with 2 balls, 1,2,1,2,1,2. We got to the cone and in front of us was a cricket wicket, we got told to throw the balls at the cricket wicket. Yes! I yelled. We hobbled back 1,2,1,2,1,2. I cheered my team on - go kea go kea! Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle for the very last time. I zoomed to the class to get a nice cool drink from my bag. I thought to myself, man that was a hot and incredible day. I would love to do it again, I hope we got a good place for house points.
Ring, ring, ring rang the bell, I rushed to the courts and started singing my chant - go kea go kea! Miss Hill spoke to us about how we have to do the activities and away we skipped to the first activity. For this activity, we had to throw the ball to our team mate, and our team mate would throw it in the very last hoop. We kept playing until the whistle blew. Honnnnnnk, blew the whistle, it was time to move to the next activity.
The next activity was fun, you had to throw down the lily pads [tee-ball bases] and get all of our teammates past a cone, it was quite challenging because the grass was poisonous, so if you touched the grass you had to go to the back of the line. Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle again, so we rushed off to the next activity.
The next activity was called pass the batton, we had to stand like bowling pins, but shoulder to shoulder with everyone. The person at the back would pass the batton to the front and you would run to the front and so on and so on. Once you get past the cone, you can run back to the start and do it again. Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle, time to move to the final activity.
The final activity was the 3 legged race with a little twist. You had to put a black rubber thing around your foot and your buddy had to put it around their foot. Off we went with 2 balls, 1,2,1,2,1,2. We got to the cone and in front of us was a cricket wicket, we got told to throw the balls at the cricket wicket. Yes! I yelled. We hobbled back 1,2,1,2,1,2. I cheered my team on - go kea go kea! Honnnnnnnnk went the whistle for the very last time. I zoomed to the class to get a nice cool drink from my bag. I thought to myself, man that was a hot and incredible day. I would love to do it again, I hope we got a good place for house points.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Division Strategy
This is how you solve division strategies. Watch the video to see.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Move your body dance
One Friday morning at assembly all the school teachers danced move your body. so room 7 and room 6 decided to have a try check it out!
Friday, 21 February 2014
My Totata tree
This is my tree it means quite a lot. Firstly I have a blue and yellow ladder . The reason why I did yellow and blue is because it is parkvale colours. The reason why I did a ladder is because climbing up the tree means growing up from a junior to a senior. If you look to the side there's 3 big branches 2 for the senior classes that are in our hub and one smaller branch for the younger class in our hub. In between the branches are small twigs for kids that join all the classes together as a hub. I have pride on the branches pride means personal best, respect and responsibility, integrity, determination and enjoyment. On the other half is also ladders running up it like the other half it means the same thing. It has two long ropes that go straight down the middle they stand for the two big classes and the smaller ropes sticking out from the sides is the younger class. The maori patterns stands for working together because they are all connected and the 3 ones that are not connected are the 3 teachers.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Friday, 7 February 2014
Starting Room 7
YAY!! I'm in Room 7 this year I'm so excited about having Mr Cottrell. I'm having so much fun this week that I'm nearly out of energy! We have done a lot of stuff on my computer. We have learn't how to make a blog, share a doc and send an email and make an avatar
. This morning we saw all the teachers dance ''Move your body'' at assembly. We're learning how to do it. Room 7 is so fun so far.
. This morning we saw all the teachers dance ''Move your body'' at assembly. We're learning how to do it. Room 7 is so fun so far.
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